​Our charity donated developmental toys for the children.

Our charity recently donated to the Children's Burn Foundation, formed to provide financial resources to children with burn injuries so they can receive the physical & psychological treatment they need to recover. Let's keep donating to help the children, one penny at a time!

EIN 81-1909109,  501 3c status: Public Foundation

In April 2018 we partnered with The Travis Mills Foundation specifically with the camp for severely injured amputee veterans. It includes activities to help them realize their mom and dads are different but still able to play and compete. It also includes therapy activities to help the children cope with the visual change in their parents, the emotional roller coaster, and help them reconnect after being separated from their parents, most of them for over a year.

We donated many bags of new clothing, shoes, educational supplies and more. Proud to be connected to such community partners with the same mission of helping the children.

​In Appreciation to Those Who Made This Possible.  Thank You For Your support

​Rainy Day Pennies recently donated to the children in 2nd grade at Sumac Elementary in Aguora Hills who lost their homes in the wildfires. We are blessed to be able to help. Keep donating, it all makes a difference!!