EIN 81-1909109, 501 3c status: Public Foundation
Dear RDP supporter,
Our annual Rainy Day Pennies Casino Night and our RDP Backyard Carnival will be coming back !!
These two events are RDP's primary means of fundraising. Without the funds we raise from these events we cannot continue helping local children in need, which is particularly distressing because the current crisis has left many of the organizations we support without proper supplies and staffing. We've been in touch with the Union Station Family Shelter and it is in DESPERATE need of supplies and basic necessities (i.e. baby wipes, diapers, personal hygiene items for kids, gift cards for groceries, educational supplies, puzzles and activity books, etc.). With the hundreds of children who would normally be in school and getting meals, the shelters are not equipped to feed, educate and house this many children.
We want to encourage you to stay connected with RDP and its mission to help children in need. We ask that you please consider donating now the money you would have contributed to Casino Night (as a reminder, tickets are typically $75/person). Our junior board is eager to find a way to give back during this unprecedented time. With the resources you are able to contribute now, the junior board will purchase and create large care packages of supplies and necessities to drop at local family shelters.
As always, thank you for your continued support as we try to make a small difference and drive change.
Sincerely, The Team at Rainy Day Pennies
A Penny can make a change
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